Publications des chercheurs appartenant au laboratoire


MEZIANE R, NIAR A, BOUGHRIS F, MEZIANE T, MAMACHE B and SMADI MA (2016): Effet de la prostaglandine PGF2α sur le post-partum des vaches laitières en Algérie.

Livestock Research for Rural Development 28 (6). .


ABDELHADI F.Z, ABDELHADI S.A, NIAR. A, BENALLOU B, MELIANI S and MAHMOUD D (2015): Abortions in Cattle on the level of Tiaret Area (Algeria). Global Veterinaria 14 (5): 638-645, DOI: 10.5829/idosi.gv.2015.14.05.93224 .


ZIDANE. A, NIAR. A and ABABOU. A (2015): Effect of some factors on lambs growth performances of the Algerian Ouled Djellal breed. Livestock Research for Rural Development 27 (7),  DOI: .


OUARED. K, ZIDANE. K, AGGAD. H and NIAR. A (2015): Impact of Clinical Lameness on the Milk Yield of Dairy Cows. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances; Vol: 14, Issue: 1: Pages N°: 10-12; DOI: 10.3923/javaa.2015.10.12


BOUHROUM. N, BENSAHLI. B and NIAR. A (2014): Effect of season on artificial insemination in Holstein dairy cows. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences; 2 (2): 178 -181; DOI:

 10.5829/ idosi.gv.2014.12.02.81273.


SELLES. SMA, KOUIDRI. M, BELHAMITI. BT, AIT AMRANE. A, BENIA. AR, BELLIK. Y, HAMMOUDI. SM, NIAR. A and BOUKRAA. L  (2014): Prevalence of rotavirus (GARV) and coronavirus (BCoV) associated with neonatal diarrhea in calves in western Algeria. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed.; 4(Suppl 1): S318–S322. DOI:  10.12980/APJTB.4.2014C778: PMCID: PMC4025335.


GHAZI. K and NIAR. A (2014): Impact of Subclinical Mastitis on the Health of the Mammary Gland. Global Veterinaria; 12 (2): 193 – 196; DOI:

 10.5829/ idosi.gv.2014.12.02.81273.


KABIR. A and NIAR. A (2013): Quality control of milk in the dairy industry. World Journal of Dairy and Food Science; 8 (1): 18-26.  DOI:

10.5829/ idosi.wjdfs.2013.8.1.1115.


MEZIANE. R, NIAR. A, SMADI. M.A., MAMACHE. B, MEZIANE. T (2013). A clinical study of metritis in dairy cows in the region of Batna (east of Algeria) and their treatments using different therapeutic protocols.  Vet World; 6 (1): 45-48; DOI:



ZIDANE .K, NIAR. A, and TAINTURIER .D (2011): Comparative effect on clinical use of "PGF2α" and "Reprocine" in the treatment of retained placenta in dairy cows at Tiaret region (Algeria).

Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances.  Vol. 5 (9), pp. 1 – 6.